me,myself and i

me,myself and i
Life is full of if's and but's. People never run out of excuses...The world is ever changing... These are the spices that make us want to live and look forward to the future...because we don't really know what is there..

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

being a first time mom

I remember when I was still pregnant and I had all these hopes of grandeur. I would be the perfect mother. I would breastfeed. Change a diaper? No problem! I could do it. Being a mother was a piece of cake! Then the day came. Last November 12, 2012 after a long and difficult labor @ 10:50 in the evening my little Caeden Ezekiel Vonn arrived, and I was completely terrified of being a mother!  I gave birth with my precious baby boy. Amazing how it all changed from total “I can do it all” to reality “Oh my gosh!

Being a first time mom is an amazing experience, the love that you feel is unbelievable, the tiredness and all the pain during labor can be erased with just the smile or look of your baby. I could say that it is true that you never know how your pregnancy and delivery will be and you can't really have a plan because most likely things will change and in the end you'll end up doing what is best for the baby. Being a new mom is such a blast. The daily smiles and coo's...daily changes watching him grow and experience everything for the first time.... I could say that my life is totally different now... it is one of life's most exciting, life-changing moments from handling dirty diapers to constantly feeding a hungry, waking up in the middle of the night, my entire world has been wrapped up in this little angel 24 hours a day seven days a week.

You know you hear the wonderful advise “Sleep when the baby sleeps.” Ya sure sure, I will. Just a min. Some mothers take this advise and glen from it. I was not that mother. I slept a little but was to excited about all that went on, and wanted to do what I wanted. Like play World of Warcraft! upload photos in Facebook. I am a mother that wanted to sleep when I wanted to. Pure bliss, my time is no longer fully my own.

I absolutely had no idea what being a new mom entails. Being a first time mom is overwhelming and was tough and scary at the same time especially in my part. Seeing my son cry and vomits every now and then after birth because according to his doctor he swallowed maternal blood or meconium and needs medical attention it really tears my heart wishing and praying for his safety and fast recovery.
But then God is so good and my baby boy is okay now. His whole abdomen was checked early this morning through an ultrasound and again thank God coz everything is okay.

It's been 15 days now since the day I gave birth to Caeden Ezekiel Vonn and I am still trying to learn many things, being a mom... its not that easy but I could say all tiredness, sleepless nights.. its really worth it.

2 years of blogging

For now, i'd just like to celebrate a little milestone with you all because I've lately hit my 2 years of blogging mark. This may be a little cheesy and gushy, but i wanted to say a big thank you to all my followers and blogger friends for the past years. The Internet is such a weird but wonderful place, and I've loved every second of creating my own little space. I hope the years to come remain this enjoyable!

I never would have thought I’d be a blogger and time definitely flies when you are having fun and 2 years has passed since I started my blog! I seriously cannot believe how fast it has gone and all the amazing things I have experienced have kept at this for 2 years.

 I’m glad that I have this outlet (sort of speak) to release a lot of my creative juices! Sure, there are days where the last thing I want to do is sit in front of my laptop and blog or pick up my camera and take photos, but I’ve learned to have balance, especially now that I am a new mom, it’s defiantly something I enjoy and I think it’s important to do the things that make you happy. 

When I started this blog last 2010, I had no idea it would grow to what it is today.
I originally started blogging because of some personal troubles and i needed something to take my mind off them, as well as having a place to turn to when i felt down. Is there anything that I would go back and do differently? I really don’t know the answer to that, When I started blogging, it was a side hobby of mine…I would say that I was giving anywhere from 10-30% of my effort and energy into it. Yet, I’ve managed to see amazing results that encouraged me to continue.
 I am really happy with where my blog is right now. And I am really looking forward to seeing where it goes from here.

I don't really have a solid plan set out for what I wanted to talk about in this post, the only thing I knew for sure that I wanted to do was to say thank you to all of you for reading my blog, and all of the things you do to make this such an awesome experience. It’s all of you that keep me gong and keep everything so enjoyable. So thank you for that.

I have to say that I am pretty proud of myself…for sticking to it, for following my heart and being patient and persistent enough. As a 2year blogger I’m still a beginner and I have a lot of stuff to learn but I am so grateful for this blog, for my followers and the people supporting me in this journey. I am always excited about posting new articles, about creating new content and spreading the love! It’s so nice to be able to combine my creativity and my passion, write anything about what's happening in my life and anything that comes in my mind and build something out of nothing.
In some ways, it certainly feels like a year. In another ways,I just can’t believe years has gone by, it seemed like it went by so fast and yet not fast enough. I have so many ideas for the future, so many new and exciting projects… I can’t wait to share them all with you guys! This journey is not done and I’m excited to see where another year of blogging will take me!