yesterday August 11, 2012 was my 25th birthday and that number just seems crazy! Not to young, not too old, I feel very young at heart though so I'm trying not to let the number bother me that much.LOL.A quarter century old, people say time flies but honestly I feel like it's been quite a long journey.I'm not actually use in celebrating my Birthday with parties, usually I just go to church and pray, but since now it's my silver day so i'll go to church and thank God for another year, another life He gave to me then maybe a little party with family and close friends would be enough. But the party will be a bit late since Aug.11 did not neatly fall in a weekend and i received my allowance every end of the month so it would be held on the 27Th day of Aug. it was well planned but my Bowchikawow Family prepared a surprise birthday party for me last night, i really don't know what to say, i am so touch i didn't expect that they would do that for me.. they prepared and cooked foods.. and tears fell from eyes when my boyfriend gave me a bouquet of flowers and while they all sing for me a Happy Birthday song... i really do feel so special on my silver day..
i want to thank God for every blessings He had given me, for the gift of friendship, for another year... im truly so blessed..